Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Work on your Indian accent .... Keep it !!!


People with anIndian/Asian accent are regarded more industrious ??????

Hmm !!!

I yam going to continew spelling them - yell, yemm, yenn, o, p, q !!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Balle Balle from L.A.

Re-posting with another related link

The world is truly becoming a global village as Indian and all things Indian continue to rule. Awed by India’s growing prowess, the US administration has identified Hindi as one of the "critical need" foreign languages that Americans should learn to further strengthen national security and prosperity in the 21st century

Complete story here

Saturday, January 07, 2006


An anecdote from the past ...

When the Team Lead presented the Effort Estimate to our Project Manager, he debunked it saying that the figures were blown out. A heated argument (to which the team was audience)ensued.

PM said that instead of a 2-month/5 member combination, we should choose 1-month/7 member combination.

Frustrated thorougly, our Lead blurted out 'Even if 10 people try, it will take 10 months to create a baby'

Promoted to Blue belt in Karate

Just tried to spell 'WAS' and 'AM' using the belts :)

Inter-personnel Zones

Inter-personnel Zones
Originally uploaded by Idol.
This is an allusion to the inter-personnel zones.

In Proxemics, Social distance between people is reliably correlated with physical distance, and described four distances:

Intimate : distance for embracing, touching or whispering (15-45 cm, 6-18 inches)

Personal distance for interactions among good friends (45-120 cm, 1.5-4 feet)

Social distance for interactions among acquaintances (1.2-3.5 m, 4-12 ft)

Public distance used for public speaking (over 3.5 m, 12 ft)

Think about this distribution to understand how people-friendly you are !

Friday, January 06, 2006

Tinted glass to be disallowed

The city police's move to strip four-wheelers of dark tinted glass has evoked mixed response from vehicle owners: some said it would help policing while a majority of them complained the move would expose them to criminals

Complete story here

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A story about "A Brief History of Time : From the Big Bang to Black Holes"

by Stephen W. Hawking

First book on Physics ever since I finished college. A good book to get your cogs in conditions again :)

Well written and easy on the beginners (to Physics). Particularly enjoyed the part about the Negative Time Axis. Also got to know about ‘The Chandrashekar Limit’