Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Why ???

Why is it easy to put on weight, but not to lose it ?
Why is it easy to destroy things, but not to create them ?
Why is it easy to hurt others, but not to forgive them ?
Why is it easy to preach, but not to follow ?
Why is it easy to spend, but not to earn ?
Why is it easy to ridicule others, but not be ridiculed ?
Why is it easy to hate, but not to love ?
Why is it easy to forget, but not to remember ?
Why is it easy to hide, but not to confide ?
Why is it easy to be afraid, but not to be brave ?
Why is it easy to be in SUN, but not in IBM ?


Blogger Srini said...

Boy..I refute your last statement. Come me one person who says it is easy to get into Sun? Why don't you give it a shot and I'll show you what kind of interviews we have here..grrrrr...u r only inviting trouble $%^$#$^

Wed Dec 08, 01:02:00 PM 2004  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, ... u got into SUN ...

Quad Erat demonstrandum !!!

Wed Dec 08, 01:13:00 PM 2004  

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