Thursday, July 14, 2005

Beat away the blues

I often end up under the weather on Monday (and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays) mornings. I often used to wonder if there was any antidote for this malady. Recently found one !!

Just sing out your favorite peppy number every morning. Trust me, you cannot sing out loud (even your hey-they-are-playing-my-song song) and feel blue at the same time. I find this a sure-shot method to drive away my blues.

Try it to believe it !

Ending this on a famous quote .

The woods would be dead silent if only the bird with the best voice should sing !!


Blogger Jax said...

I try to sing while brushing my teeth; gets you out of the blue by the time you finish brushing. Work every time ;-)

Wed Mar 02, 02:46:00 PM 2005  

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